Additionally: RequestSignatureProcess
On the above requests, we are using a request signature to ensure the authenticity of the data being sent through a network. For this purpose, we require RSA key pairs to sign and verify a request body. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do a request body signature when sending a request to the payment server.
Steps to be followed
- Generate the RSA key pairs (public and private keys) shown on
- Keep the private key to yourself and share it with the SP.
- Prepare your request accordingly. (1) exclude the sign and signType of the request body parameter (2) Pair the request body parameters in a key=value format. e.g short_code=1234 (3) order or sort the request body parameters in alphabetical order (A-z). (4) Join the alphabetically ordered key=value with '&'. eg short_code=1234×tamp=1684481139 (5) Then sign the above-prepared string with your private key using the SHA256RSA algorithm. (6), then add it to your request body parameter as a value to the sign parameter.
- Send the request to the payment server.
- The SP server will verify your request body with the public key you provided on step 1.
- If there is any sign-related issue, the server will respond with a "verify sign failed" message. In this case, you should check (1) the way you prepared the request (2) the signature algorithm you are using currently.
- Here is a sample example of how to sign ###Here is a sample request body
timestamp: '1684481139',
nonce_str: 'XG9C5S6R0NLEYF1AGYW5BT237SMDYCUH',
method: 'payment.preorder',
version: '1.0',
biz_content: {
notify_url: '',
appid: '930231098961202',
merch_code: '123456',
merch_order_id: '1684481138534',
trade_type: 'Checkout',
title: 'diamond_1.5',
total_amount: '1.5',
trans_currency: 'ETB',
timeout_express: '120m',
business_type: 'BuyGoods',
redirect_url: '',
callback_info: 'From web'
sign: 'bu5eJJqmlZW4mMBon9J4dS57BgbHgTMyrlJBEfQSuwJYGCACAS245unOutu324XHfalQ4E0yyvSzndIEDiibSDZmoJbPKb+WUdSXfMlZmo1hPJcf4EXpe+4WRR3nE5ckcpIrrziyOSqkfnaypfB3M01sNSq4bA9oegmf2SLokYo4B/4js6cmXQMZHR0zh89Vxvr3Rh9Jh3lww7uecWHn4af8ouXS3aBWK305H5eZsQ2XVQxVK3hJuT/WnXzKfXCoSsc1jjzT2p7pReQVEwu+LP3i/jmJloCUe8GtEjdOUEWgKBmkJnzIiMENIGYSixHjlgSYVKbSGrfgZN+Sjq2eOQ==',
sign_type: 'SHA256WithRSA'
Prepare the request to be signed
appid=930231098009602&business_type=BuyGoods&callback_info=From web&merch_code=101011&merch_order_id=1684481138534&method=payment.preorder&nonce_str=XG9C5S6R0NLEYF1AGYW5BT237SMDYCUH¬ify_url=×tamp=1684481139&title=diamond_1.5&total_amount=1.5&trade_type=Checkout&trans_currency=ETB&version=1.0
Sign the the request parameter with a custom sign function with your private key and with SHA256RSA algorithm. Then place the correct sign on the body request and send it to the payment server.