timestamp | String | M | string <= 13 characters ^[0-9][1-9][0-9]$ |
| | | Time when a request is sent. UTC timestamp. The unit is second. |
method | String | M | string |
| | | Value: "payment.queryorder" |
| | | Set to 'payment.queryorder', fixed for this interface |
nonce_str | String | M | <= 32 characters \S+ |
| | | Random character string containing a maximum of 32 characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, but not special characters. |
sign_type | String | M | Value: "SHA256WithRSA" |
| | | Signature type. |
sign | String | M | <= 512 characters \S+ |
| | | This signature is the sign of all the request parameters except the sign and sign_type. First ordered in alphabetical order and joined in a key=value format and joined together with '&' and are signed with the SHA256RSA algorithm. |
version | String | M | <= 4 characters \S+ |
| | | Interface version number. Only support 1.0 now |
biz_content | | | object (AuthTokenResponseBizContent) |
appid | String(64) | M | <= 32 characters ^[A-Za-z0-9]+$ |
| | | Application ID allocated to a merchant by Mobile Payment system. |
merch_code | String(128) | M | <= 16 characters ^[A-Za-z0-9]+$ |
| | | Short code registered by a merchant with the Mobile Money. |
merch_order_id | String(64) | M | <= 64 characters ^[A-Za-z0-9]+$ |
| | | The order number generated by the merchant side. It must be in the form of letters, numbers, and underscores. Other special characters are not allowed. |
| | | |