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Additionally: RequestSignatureProcess

On the above requests, we are using a request signature to ensure the authenticity of the data being sent through a network. For this purpose, we require RSA key pairs to sign and verify a request body. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do a request body signature when sending a request to the payment server.

Steps to be followed

  1. Generate the RSA key pairs (public and private keys) shown on
  2. Keep the private key to yourself and share it with the SP.
  3. Prepare your request accordingly. (1) exclude the sign and signType of the request body parameter (2) Pair the request body parameters in a key=value format. e.g short_code=1234 (3) order or sort the request body parameters in alphabetical order (A-z). (4) Join the alphabetically ordered key=value with '&'. eg short_code=1234×tamp=1684481139 (5) Then sign the above-prepared string with your private key using the SHA256RSA algorithm. (6), then add it to your request body parameter as a value to the sign parameter.
  4. Send the request to the payment server.
  5. The SP server will verify your request body with the public key you provided on step 1.
  6. If there is any sign-related issue, the server will respond with a "verify sign failed" message. In this case, you should check (1) the way you prepared the request (2) the signature algorithm you are using currently.
  7. Here is a sample example of how to sign ###Here is a sample request body
timestamp: '1684481139',
nonce_str: 'XG9C5S6R0NLEYF1AGYW5BT237SMDYCUH',
method: 'payment.preorder',
version: '1.0',
biz_content: {
notify_url: '',
appid: '930231098961202',
merch_code: '123456',
merch_order_id: '1684481138534',
trade_type: 'Checkout',
title: 'diamond_1.5',
total_amount: '1.5',
trans_currency: 'ETB',
timeout_express: '120m',
business_type: 'BuyGoods',
redirect_url: '',
callback_info: 'From web'
sign: 'bu5eJJqmlZW4mMBon9J4dS57BgbHgTMyrlJBEfQSuwJYGCACAS245unOutu324XHfalQ4E0yyvSzndIEDiibSDZmoJbPKb+WUdSXfMlZmo1hPJcf4EXpe+4WRR3nE5ckcpIrrziyOSqkfnaypfB3M01sNSq4bA9oegmf2SLokYo4B/4js6cmXQMZHR0zh89Vxvr3Rh9Jh3lww7uecWHn4af8ouXS3aBWK305H5eZsQ2XVQxVK3hJuT/WnXzKfXCoSsc1jjzT2p7pReQVEwu+LP3i/jmJloCUe8GtEjdOUEWgKBmkJnzIiMENIGYSixHjlgSYVKbSGrfgZN+Sjq2eOQ==',
sign_type: 'SHA256WithRSA'

Prepare the request to be signed

appid=930231098009602&business_type=BuyGoods&callback_info=From web&merch_code=101011&merch_order_id=1684481138534&method=payment.preorder&nonce_str=XG9C5S6R0NLEYF1AGYW5BT237SMDYCUH&notify_url=

Sign the the request parameter with a custom sign function with your private key and with SHA256RSA algorithm. Then place the correct sign on the body request and send it to the payment server.